The lanes are dusty, the homes thatch-roofed. The earth parched, wells filled with slime, as though from the cauldrons of hell. Welcome to the Zila Parishad's school - the asbestos covered singular brick structure in the village. There are many things to learn from these scrubbed little children in much-worn school uniform. Their teachers' word holds sway. The classroom is spick & span as are the tiny areas leading up to separate buildings. Of course, they do not have unlimited supply of notebooks to tear & make aeroplanes or chits out of. They lack the steady supply of chocolates, chips and other taste bud entertainers. Hence no wrappers. This is the real India, the other India. It is our selfie point, a hashtag to show our generosity to the less fortunate (and a good thing too). Watching them perform, I saw them as the fortunate. Having been forced to contend with life, they have learnt to appreciate the small joys. They have a mother more interested in t...
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