Literary Musings - Avyay Nair
An Ode to Those Who Change the World Life will burn them To be very blunt And although they know this For happiness they will hunt Most will return with teary visages Denounce life and turn into sages And spend their lives And get wives And tell their children about these 'dark ages' But then there are those who emerge unphased Brighter do their faces turn 'How can it be' the rest of them ask 'Do you not feel the tingle? The burn?' Yes they do they've faced the same fire But what burns and destroys your heart's desire Has but made them stronger taken them higher That is merely how their brains are wired And yes they are painfully aware If life's incessant relentless despair And knowing this they choose a different route And walk it with heads high and polished boots The reason for all their happiness wrought The proud and happy stance they've got Is the fact that they know to make a ...